Project Kill Day Redux

Jan 15, 2008 22:59

Project Kill Day went well today, but I put in 9 hours of work today, and now I'm quite tired. Good thing that the last item clearly says: Take some rest -- So I'll hit the sack not too late to be fresh again tomorrow.

I did some things differently though. For example, waking up as early as suggested isn't really my thing. Instead, I just woke up an half hour early, rushed through my morning ritual and ended up at work at 9AM, which is about an hour earlier than usual. Also an hour early before (most of) my colleagues, which gave me the time start working well. Other than that, the walking quickly worked well, and also having to decline helping other people (which I usually like to do -- This was pretty hard), simply because I was too busy. Other than that, I tried to minimize social interaction, but it's hard when your (work)roommate is having his birthday ;).

Now the question is: did it work -- after all, such a day is meant to move things forward n a big way. I'm happy with what I did today. I didn't got it moving as far as I initially wanted, but that's okay, since I ran into something unexpected (This feedparser bug, spent almost 2 hours writing proper Media RSS support for it -- Not of enough quality to roll a patch though.), but in the end I managed to fix that, and also managed to get the state of the project in such a way that I can lay it to rest for the coming 2-2.5 weeks.

life, work

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