Interview memage

Oct 12, 2007 16:55

I still owe luna_puella some answers to her questions... As for the rest of you, you know how this works, right?

1) If you had a note toaster, what kind of notes would you leave on it?

Although I'm forgetful, I don't think the notes would be of any help. So the more likely option would be to draw rnadom doodles on it. Or, given my thesis, I might just write mathematical formulas on it ;)

2) You complained recently that Amsterdam is only famous abroad for it's weed and red light district. What else should it be famous for, in your opinion?

Well, it is also famous for it's canals -- Which is good, and most people do recognize that, it's just lower on their list somehow.

3) Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I don't know. Generally, I'm not the type that looks much ahead. My focus is now, as it has been in the past couple of years on graduating. And with that moment drawing nearer and nearer, I realize that I should start thinking about one or more new goals.

4) What is the best musical discovery you have made recently?

I'll take "musical discovery" a bit broader. Lately I've been listening a lot to a couple of CD's. Eisley's second album is surprisingly good, and I dare say it's even better than their first. The songs are more heavy and better produceed, but it's still an album that grows on you when listening to it more often. Siouxsie Sioux's solo album (Going solo is a bit wierd when your band is called Siouxsie and the Banshees) is also something that I've been listening to quite often. It's surprisingly accessible. Lastly, I've been only listening to PJ Harvey's new album, which seems pretty awesome, and looks like I'll be listening more to it in the coming months.

5) What... is the capital of Assyria?!

This is ambiguous. Do you mean the capital of modern day Syria (which is Damascus), or do you mean the capital of the old region of Assyria? Assyria has had two capitals, Assur and later on Nineveh.

life, meme

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