Day One

May 02, 2006 20:55

Yeah, the first day went pretty ok. When I arrived at work, it turned out that my working computer wasn't moved to my room yet, and I didn't have a login either. I did get three keys though, one for the rooms of our group, and two for getting in and out of the building. So in the morning I was working at the computer of someone who's on vacation, and under a login of someone else. At 11:00 I had my first meeting, which was a crash course in understanding how MoodViews works, which is the main project I'll be working on. After that I had lunch with a couple of people who work here too, so I got to meet them. And when I returned my working computer was all set up, along with the new server. But... still no login, so one of my roommates logged in for me. I spent the rest of the afternoon digging in the MoodViews source code, which for the most part isn't too difficult.

work, moodviews

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