Sekrit message to HH fandom: FIREFIGHTERS SOON

Apr 09, 2009 20:08

Meanwhile, a meme from kseda. (Enjoy Ireland!)

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.


Ah, this is one I quite like. And not just because of the subject matter, though who wouldn't want Stephen Fry to serve them tea in bed? (But I digress.) It's my "thank you!" icon, because Bertie is looking chipperly grateful in it.


Erm. I'm ambivalent about keeping this one on the roster, frankly, since I rarely have an occasion to use it appropriately, but I so like Neverwhere. And Gneil's output generally.


Barbara, as many of my flisties will attest, is kickass historical love. And yes, she even manages to carry off the day wearing a ridiculous Aztec headdress because she's been mistaken for a god. Old Skool Who, ILU. (The quote, of course, is from Gene Kelly's character in "Singin' in the Rain".) It has a matching pair in the icon (requested from the same maker) with the keyword "four: fashion victim". Because Tom Baker saying the lines of Jean Hagen's Lina Lamont, while dressed in full "Deadly Assassin" Prydonian robes, was too good an opportunity to pass up.


Requested this one from redscharlach, because there's just something wonderfully random about Ianto trying to fight off alien foes with a [field-]hockey stick. Or, alternatively, doing some "innovative" or even "avant-garde" "dabbling" (hey, these are quotes from canon!) with Jack... though not nearly as cute as imagining Ianto eschewing rugby in favour of hockey at school, say...


I cannot tell a lie, when I first saw S1 of Farscape on BBC 2 I fell in love with Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan. Whether it was the Zen bit, the fact that she was just a bit crazy, or that she was a gorgeous alien with blue skin, I don't know, but all power to Virginia Hey for doing a bang-up job with her character.

Yeah... now I have to explain why her icon-keyword has nothing to do with Zhaan. So it's comm-pimp time. I am part of a LJ-RP-for-n00bs comm called mini_rps (no pressure, application, or sockpuppet accounts required, just a willingness to join in the crack and improvise), and the icon was intended for a pup based upon mythology. My chosen character on that thread was River Tam from Firefly as a selkie, or a sort of were-seal. Yeah, see how far that got me. Never mind! I have a new plot with ZOMBIES. Anyone interested in low-pressure comment-based RPing, trying to fight off the undead, is welcome to join in the thread.


I love Withnail and I and think everyone should at least see it (even if they don't 'get' it). I have to say I do identify just a little with Marwood as struggling writer, scribbling the random dribblings of his brain into a notebook and thinking very little of them until such time as they coalesce into something a good deal longer.

dw, misc

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