Dec 25, 2004 15:47
1. what did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
break up with someone, graduate from college, be homeless, lose a softball game
2. did you keep your new year's resolutions, & will you make more for next year?
i never keep it, and i will make more. i always do, i'm such a sucker for that stuff.
3. did anyone close to you give birth?
angie gowell, but we're not friends anymore so i guess that doesn't count. Oh! Kelly did, i still haven't seen him....i suck.
4. did anyone close to you die?
emily dykstra did, that was sad.
5. what countries did you visit?
6. what would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
a real job, a sense of self, stability, shall i go on?
7. what date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, & why?
december 6th because charlie and i broke up
8. what was your biggest achievement of the year?
graduating! and actually growing up and starting to take care of myself, that's pretty cool
9. what was your biggest failure?
not being true to myself
10. did you suffer illness or injury?
nope, i have a clean bill of health (except for that heart condition, but i try not to let that get me down)
11. what was the best thing you bought?
some cd's, especially rilo kiley
12. whose behaviour merited celebration?
the red sox
13. whose behaviour made you appalled & depressed?
all of the people who live in red states.
14. where did most of your money go?
food, cd's, bills, bills, bills....
15. what did you get really, really, really excited about?
graduation, my new apartment, my trip this summer
16. what song will always remind you of 2004?
a man/me/then jim
17. compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? Sadder
thinner or fatter? thinner, thank god!
richer or poorer? poorer
18. what do you wish you'd done more of?
let myself be happy, be nicer ot myself, smile
19. what do you wish you'd done less of?
spending money
20. how will you be spending xmas?
in chicago with my family
22. did you fall in love in 2004?
i tried really hard, but no
23. how many one-night stands?
24. what was your favorite tv program?
desperate housewives for sure!
25. do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
um, no. but i have a much deeper, more profound hatred for the GOP and in particular the president. i also hate the south a little more.
26. what was the best book you read?
the quiet american or luliby
27. what was your greatest musical discovery?
franz ferdinand, i knew about them months before everyone else! arcade fire, same thing....and interpol.
28. what did you want & get?
a degree
29. what did you want & not get?
30. what was your favorite film of this year?
i haven't seen a good movie in america, but i think that was last year.
31. what did you do on your birthday, & how old were you?
22, went my annual cubs game with charlie and then went for drinks a caesars, and the L&L. ended up taking care of alicia b ecause she can't hold her liquor
32. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
not ending the year single, lonely, and sad.
33. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
taking the necks out of your t-shirts is NEVER a bad thing
34. what kept you sane?
my sister
35. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
orlando bloom, colin firth, jude law....english people i suppose
36. what political issue stirred you the most?
gay marriage, health care, the war, having a fuckin' moron in office, the election, education, the deficit. . . oh wait, all of them stirred me a lot.
37. who did you miss?
lauren, karen, julie, charlie
38. who was the best new person you met?
shae, peggy, peter, craig....yeah, that's it.
39. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
sometimes people aren't who they say they are and there is nothing you can do to make them be who you want t hem to be.
40. quote song lyrics that sums up your year:
the slow fade of love, it's mist might choke you, it's my gradual descent into a life i never ment, it's the slow fade of love.