Jan 01, 2005 00:17
best _____ of the year:
1. party: probably either the party after stove installation or our weenie roast
2. show: tv show? umm i dunno i like the oc
3. cd: i didnt buy any i burned
4. movie: troy
5. song: oh jeez
6. experience: going to dc with stovence
7. concert: i didnt go
8. book: keeping you a secret was the most depressing book ever steph ummm i dunno then any in my library
9. month: oh gawd the whole year
10. day: day we found out donna was pregnant
worst ____ of the year:
1. party: krystens birthday... not that it wasnt fun except i got sick and me and alyce went to bed early (ditto stove)
2. show: the mullets
3. cd:
4. movie: troy- it has many facets
5. song: ummm beautiful soul annoys me right now
6. experience: failing my drivers test
7. concert:
8. book: i would say the summer eading books but they actually werent that bad this year umm farenheit 451
9. month: december
10. Day: the day with the 7+7 and other degrees
hopes for 2005:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: krysten and steph will argue about her mohawk
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: maybe kerry will kill himself
3. what do you hope for yourself?:i should be nicer
4. what do you hope for your family?: they stop being losers
5. what do you hope for your best friend?: that no one gets knocked up
during 2004:
1. where were you when it began?: hanging with Stef and Ashley
2. did you stay up?: yes
3. what was your new year wish?: lose weight and be nicer which i did
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: 0
5. break ups?: 0
6. have any crushes?: si
7. care to mention names?: trevor
8. new friends?: yes
9. had to say goodbye?:to friends
10. missed anyone?: sure
11. win anything?:i did but i forget what
12. best place you went to?: umm dc
13. worst place you went to?: grand did suck or the tiny maine island where everything sucked and noone would go swimming with me except joey which i didnt wanna go with
14. happiest moment?: umm i dunno
15. how was your birthday?: excellent
16. best present?: probably my car..scraper (its pimP)