Biggest crybaby.....ever!

Sep 10, 2007 12:51

And the whiner is....Kanye West

Normally I don't blog about celebrity shenanigans. Celebrities live in a completely separate reality from sane people and I never expect them to behave rationally or intelligently. However, today I simply can't resist.

Hip Hop performer Kanye West has once again thrown a temper tantrum comparable to that of a petulant five-year-old. When a child of that age throws a tantrum it usually has to do with them not getting something they want such as a piece of candy, an expensive toy, or a trust fund. In the case of little Kanye, he's angry because he did not win in any of the five categories he was nominated for at the MTV Video Music Awards. This is especially pathetic given that this is an awards show put on by a television network with the collective IQ of your average garden slug.

West was quoted as saying "That's two years in a row, man ... give a black man a chance,". Ok Kanye, let's review shall we. I personally know at least 3 or 4 white guys with 10 times more musical skill and talent than you could ever dream of having. These guys are waiting tables, swinging hammers, and working day jobs while you have multi-platinum CD's on the market and are living in a palatial mansion. "Give a black man a chance" you say? From where I sit Kanye, it looks to me like you had a chance and it worked out better than most people could have ever hoped for. So, you didn't win an MTV Music Video award? Awww! Poor baby! Don't cry, I'm sure mommy's got your bottle somewhere.

You need to grow the hell up Kanye, and start facing the reality of your situation. The truth is that you are the flavor of the month. It's likely that in a few years you'll be playing gigs at the local state fairgrounds. Don't believe me? You think fame and fortune will last forever? I'm sure that's what M.C. Hammer thought too. I think you'd better give him a call and ask him about it. I'm sure he's not busy and would love to chat.
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