Jan 04, 2004 11:46
I'm always surprised when someone I regard notices BFD. First, Jon Husband comments. I have Sandy to thank for that. I'm not sure if she realized that she was facilitating when she sent him an email that mentioned my name. Imagine how I felt when I'm reading Jon's blog and he says "Got an email from Sandy that mentions George N". I swear my jaw dropped. I noticed yesterday that Jon also posted two things he read on Jack's blog. How cool is that?
Today, Susan Mernit left a note on my Ryze guestbook. She read my blog and is adding it to her feed reader. I sent her a private message through Ryze and gave her my contact info. She's doing some cool work out in SanFran.
Who knows what will happen because you meet someone virtually? Smart Meeting Design happened because I found Jack's blog and started reading it. I left a comment and he visited by blog. One day we sat next to each other in a ConnectionSeries planning meeting. The rest as they say, is history. Well, history that's still being written. After all, someone else said, journalism is the first iteration of history. Perhaps blogging [or livejournaling] is the first iteration of journalism.