Art: SGA

Oct 12, 2006 22:14

Lalala, I'm typing this entry in a simpletext document and copy-pasting it in, because lj has decided the little blue line around the Entry box wants to FLICKER LIKE A MOFO. Not cool, lj. And by the way, email? I'm looking at you, buster- leaving the "m" off ".com" in the "hey, we've sent this!" announcement and making me think I mistyped all the email addresses? Freaks my shit out, and makes me re-do all my mail for NOTHING. No es frijo, people.

Aaanyway. Finally, finally the week is over. I managed to get all my work done (wonder of wonders!) and even pretended to participate in class (hahaha, I am the bullshit QUEEN, baby! everything is PHALLIC SYMBOLS! mmm, I love englishmajor-ing).

It seems like my real life and fannish life are intersecting this week: I went to lunch with some girls from class, and it turns out one of them writes Doctor Who fanfic; another girl, in a different class, is an SGA fangirl (we shared a moment obsessing about how GEEKY!COOL McKay is)... And as I was walking back to my apartment today, someone was describing how their one friend made a fanvid that showed that these two characters were totally gay... in the Degrassi fandom (isn't that about a school? eh). Apparently, the English program is populated by fangirls. Weirdness.

To celebrate the fact that my week is OVER (yesssss!), and inspired by the chat I had about SGA in class today, I came home and drew this:

Because I think Rodney's worst nightmare would be very big, very friendly citrus-based lifeforms. With big, sharp teeth. And giant walking lemons are fun to draw.
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