(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 15:32

So I have been thinking and thinking and thinking like crazy. And I have realized something...there is only one reason why not having Diante as my bf rather than my BFF is tearing me apart. Now don't get me wrong and I soo fucking happy that we are best friends but I would rather have him as my boyfriend. And I know that, that is how it is meant to be...how do I know?

Because for the past 6 days I have felt like an entire half of me is gone. Completely. I don't have that comfort, that love, that special person anymore. Diante filled that spot. As many of you can see I was deeply in love with him as I still am. Every journal entry has I Love Diante in it. My profiles and aways always did also. But I dont have him anymore and there is nothing that I can really do but pray that somehow he will want me back one day. There is something that I had been planning for the past few weeks before he broke up with me...

on our 1 year anniversary I was going to as him to marry me. It was something that we had talked about before and both agreed we wanted. I wanted to make it happen. And I still do. Diante means the world to me and every waking second I spent talking to him or with him in person was unforgettable. I remember the first time he said I love you to me on the phone...we were on the phone for 6 hours that night...it was the best...he was talking to his sister and she left the room and he whispered into the phone..."brett...i love you!" of course i heard and understood what he said but I played around and said "what?" we exchanged i love you's 10000 times that night. non-stop. after that 1st night on the phone I knew from that moment on that I wanted to be with Diante for the rest of my life and no one would ever change that.

We have had our share of fights and problems but what couple doesn't? I admit there were times that I was out of hand and there were times that he was also. We always worked everything out and never went to bed mad at eachother. He is my hero. My everything. I can't help how I feel. I mean yeah we are no longer together and we are JUST best friends but even so...I still love him with all of my heart and I know that he is the love of my life. That is undeniable on my part.

Everyone knows that I love Diante...my parents, his mom, our friends, family...and so does he. I know that he loves me too. With all of his heart...and I know this because he proved to me something that I never saw in any other person before in my entire life...

Diante showed me that you can't change anything about yourself...you are who you are and thats that. People will either like you or hate you...he proved to me that I didn't have to hide anything about myself...everything that I lived for was inside of him...he is my life...I found everything I needed inside of him.

Diante I love you more than anything else in the entire world. You have made the biggest, strongest and best impact on my life above anything else ever. You have brought me happiness that I had never felt before and with that I thankyou because you are the love of my life and you will stay that person from now til the day that I die.

I Love You Diante.

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