Oct 13, 2008 14:58
I went to the grocery store today. Some things bother me about the grocery store. First, I have a bunch of the 'green' reusable shopping bags. I don't even necessarily have them to be 'green'. I like them because they don't break, they can hold more stuff, you get $0.05 off for every bag, and I don't have to have 1000 more plastic Dillon's bags. But it seems like the cashiers always hate it when I give them to them. This pisses me off because I do things to make their job easier. I always put my groceries on the conveyor belt in a specific order. I do boxed frozen items, boxed not frozen items, canned items, bagged items, bottles, and then handled items, milk, eggs, bread, and non categorized things. I would think that this would make things easier for them to bag (not to mention, it makes my bags much more neat and easier to carry), but they don't even notice! They just throw all of my groceries down there and put it into the bags however they grab it. And they don't even utilize all of the extra space in my 'green' bags. She put a gallon of milk and two cans of tuna in one bag! Ridiculous! she could of put so much more in there! I don't even like my handled items to be bagged anyway!
And it seems like they get annoyed when you use coupons! Like it really makes your job all that hard!
I'm usually very calculated about grocery shopping. I get the Dillon's sale paper in the mail on Wednesday. Write down everything in it that I'm going to buy. Then I clip/print coupons. And I take my own bags. I usually save anywhere from $30-$50 by doing this! I'm not going to lie, I'm proud of this! I just wish I would get a little less eye rolling and huffy puffy from the people who's paycheck's I'm paying.
That's all... I'll now tend to my brownies (that I had a coupon for!)