Aug 28, 2008 23:57
I've just received an e-mail informing me that 'livejournal is my friend.'
Well, now that that's settled.
Participating in this blog thing is probably a bad idea. I'm self-centered enough as it is and publicizing my self-reflections promises far more trouble than polite outcomes. But therein lies the delight.
Hopefully, I'll quickly discover how to limit visual access of these posts as my dad and grandparents have a google alert feature that brings to their attention anything on the internet with my name attached to it.
I'm approaching the red-letter month of september. I am moving across town to live with Wes Davis on four day notice (three day notice to my roommates - I'll tell you tomorrow!), filming a short movie, selling my car/destroying my credit card debt, and celebrating 27 years of age.
Seems like a perfect time to kick up a new journal.
We'll see how long it is until someone finds me on this thing.