It's too bad irony is lost on so many people.

Jul 16, 2008 09:59

Once again I thieve from rei_c, but she's so much better at finding this sort of thing than I.

You know, I'm just going to steal her entire entry:

Following off of my previous entry on the teacher who was suspended for using the Freedom Writer's Diary: Anna Quindlen wrote an article in this/last week's Newsweek. It goes a long way to summing up the situation and pointing out just how absurd this entire thing really is.

In the months since Heermann was placed on an 18-month suspension without pay by the school board in Perry Township, her case has been ballyhooed as errant censorship. But it's really a cautionary tale about what's too often the ruling principle in American public education: the timidity and inefficiency of powerful bureaucracies far removed from the daily lives of either teachers or kids.

It really gets more and more ridiculous. And sad, very sad.

stuff., news., books.

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