Jul 19, 2009 03:24
Ok, so I'm not a *huge* Death Note fan like many people I know, but I have read the Manga and just saw last episode on Adult Swim (don't remember the manga enough to spot the differences; it's been like three years). At the point when they confront Light and are all "BUSTED!" and he breaks up laughing and admits it-- I can't believe he just panicked and lost his stuff like that! Here's what I was thinking *I'd* say if I was him right there:
"I am Kira, but you're going to let me walk out of here anyway. Because if you don't; if I don't contact an automated web-bot at least once every 24 hours, the bot will automatically email instructions to 50 different people. These people are my hand-picked small-time criminals across the world. Each disgusting, but too weak and cowardly to do anything truly horrible, so I let them live. Each of those 50 emails contains directions to a different location where I've hidden a page of the notebook, and full instructions on using it. What do you think those pimps, con-men, and murders will do with that page? How many will abuse the book to build criminal empires? How many will try to turn the page into dollars, either selling it whole or in pieces, to possibly hundreds of buyers?
And what will they do when they read the last line of my message to them-- 'Free me, and I will show you where to get another whole notebook?'
And that is just the first of three different contingency plans I have in place, all triggered in different manners and with different goals. So that's why I'm going to walk out of here-- because you know what will happen if I do, and you know it isn't ending civilization and killing innocents. You can't say that about what will happen if I don't."