Poisonous Meme

Apr 16, 2006 00:22

Major Premise

We need a homeland.

Minor Premise

This was historically our homeland/this was given to us by god as our homeland/we won a war therefore this is rightfully part of our homeland.


We must take this land.

Major Premise

This is our homeland

Minor Premise

We must be the majority in our homeland.


The current denizens must be transferred from our homeland.

Major Premise

The current inhabitants are an inconvenience.

Minor Premise

The current inhabitants have no fundamental rights to live on land that is inalienably ours.


We can expel them without guilt and any we permit to remain should be grateful for our generosity.

This really rather nasty meme seems pretty popular, it is applied to Kosovo by the sort of Serb nationalist who supported Milosevic, to Palestine by Revisionist Zionists, to Israel by Palestinian extremists, to Poland, by the Nazis to Ireland by Cromwell &c. If people who hold this kind of views win, it is pretty bad news for those they beat, who can also get infected with the same sort of views often in a more virulent form in response, see for example Israel and the occupied territories.

racism, idiots, religion, philosophy, isreal, politics, meme

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