Mar 30, 2004 22:07
the world couldnt hold me back so they had to break me i mean couldnt they just squeeze it out and salvage my collar bone from being broken ten seconds into my universal existance on this earth i mean i know i was fat and my cheeks were like an elephants' but they owed it to me to get me out without fucking breaking something i mean i spent 9 months in that burning womb without the early masturbation methods of Dane Cook and then when i come out what do they do well they fucking broke my collar bone and its starting to hurt again man that was so shitty of those fucking overpaid doctors to do and i will get back at them by not jerking off for 3 months before i make babies with my wife so when our egg and sperm unite they will form the largest baby (pretend there is a relationship between sperm quantity and baby size)known to this earth and as soon as he breaks free he will barf all over the doctor and say "this is for breaking my fathers collar bone when he just wanted a clean birth but you broke him and he shot out like a cannon onto the table and it hurt, he told me and i will avenge your soul mr doctor mr doctor you had no right to do this to my father" and then i will raise my son to be a benevolent citizen in the luxurious hills of San Franciso oh oh sunny cali-forn-i-a
fuck periods (no im not bleeding) and fuck doctors