Feb 04, 2005 01:29
I think comcast upgraded my speed.
For all who don't know....
Comcast is planning to upgrade nationwide all comcast customers to 4 megabits download, and 385 kilobits upload.
My upload speed used to cap at 30 kb/s, now its capping at 48, which is exactly where it would be with the new speed upgrades.
If anyone in town who has comcast can run some speed tests and let me know if they are upgraded, that would be chill. I have yet to run them, as I'm maxed on my upload right now. I will run a test tommorow and update with the results. If it turns out I am not upgraded, I will be by march 31st, that is Comcast's date they have set to have 100% of all customers running at the new upgraded speeds.
I have tested my download speed today on a New Hampshire server, and appear to be getting:
Communications 4.3 megabits per second
Storage 520.7 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 2 seconds
Subjective rating Awesome
And just from monitoring my connection, I can see that my upload is now capping out at 48 kb/s.
These are the speeds I would be getting with the upgrade.
If anyone else in town can confirm this, that would be good.