Nov 16, 2007 12:46
I have been dealing with high blood pressure/heart disease since I was 15 and I am almost 43.
I received my latest lab results from the doc this week. I AM VERY EXCITED! These are the best results I think I have EVER had!
After starting the South Beach Diet in August, I was only looking for some weight reduction. I have lost 12 pounds, most of that the first month. No weight loss in well over a month, but also no weight gain. I could be more strict than what I am doing, but I'm satisfied with my current weight. Anyway, here are the really exciting numbers:
Lab ResultsNormal Values
Previous Results
Current Resultscholesterol <200(H) 202124!triglycerides <150(H) 478107!HDL >39(L) 3953!LDL calculation <100Unable to calculate a valid LDL cholesterol when the triglyceride value is greater than 40050!risk ratio LDL/HDL <3.55Unable to calculate a valid LDL cholesterol when the triglyceride value is greater than 400.94!