Sunday I think was home run derby day, yea, first I chilled with tjon fora then brown came over and me and them 2 went and met up with andy b and jamie, then maacarthy came as well and we shagged some balls. Then I just basically layed around the whole day. Today I woke up went to schoool bla bla.. In english I was just chilling and Matt just walks by and like....viciously stabbs me in the eye, on accident, but still viciously stabbes me right in the eye, hahah owell its all good. Slept that off luckily haha. Then we did tumbling in gym, lame... Went to work and didnt really do a damn thing, made these packet thing... After work chilled with t fora bit, then we made our way to fruitport and caught the last 15 min of natalies game... After the game we went to subway, ordered up my tux for her prom, then dropped t off and now im here...there you go. My day. Fun eh......mraaa Thrusday I have to go do some shit for the science fair for xtra credit,and my moms trying to make me stay home and watch my brother saturday night when I already planned to go see my dad, who has been gone for the whole week in the dominican republic...and I think im gunna go see him, screw that shit watching my brother...what the hell. But yea I'm gunna go to bed, im beat, later
\/ The things I would do with her \/