Feb 02, 2005 15:13
ok well i'm still not over the fact that some people are self righteous and put themselves on unearned pedestals of life whiel disgracing the ones above their own majesty at heart, but i guess i should be used to it. I get it all the time, and i don't know why i made such an argument today about it. Cest la vie is all i have to say.
And while those some made the day almost unbearable, others rose to the top like eagles. First off, Austin Pickering was the first to connect as he sat and played the piano whilest i sang fora good forty five minutes. That was my favorite part of the day. Because we got an audience and he complimented me and worked with me and his playing which is really hard to do.
I was feeling so horrible in sixth period because i was around her but ryan and mikey somehow made me feel better? idk, ryan was being a sweetie and Mikey was just going through my stuff and being relaly nice because i think he realized looking at my life through my planner and shit doesn't warrant the kind of attitude he usually gives me.
and then i was walking home from school and when i was stopped at the light, Garrett Jones pulled up and offered a ride to me. That kid. Of course i took it, but it was just odd because it seemed more in his character to honk, yell some obsenity and drive away hurredly because that's the type of friendship we have. But he totally just gained like seven and a hald points in my book and made me feel a whole lot better. I never thought I'd say this, but Garrett Jones made my day.
I love Amber Alvarado......random acts of kindness are the best kinds of kindness because they are random.