Hello everybody!
Now that I posted all my icons i made during the last days (you can see them
here and
here) I have nothing to post that has anything to do with icons or wallpapers or something lol. Actually I'm quite bored at the moment. And I don't wanna go to this stupid birthday party of my granduncle on saturday. This is gonna be pretty boring I guess... And already now they start to complain about what I'm gonna wear xD
They don't have a problem with the jeans but with my shirt. I mean what's wrong with this shirt?! lol
I've got a picture of the shirt right under the cut, it's the one with the black background and white/orange color. I've also got a picture of my two other "quote shirts", coz
diapadme said that I could post pictures of them. So here we go lol
Okay another thing. I saw a great Doctor Who meme on
diapadme's Journal and I had to steal it +g+ Let's play^^
1. When did you start watching?
I guess it was somewhen in November 2007
1a. Why?
Just because I love Moonlight and especially Sophia Myles. And then I found out that she played a Reinette in the Doctor Who episode "The girl in the fireplace" and that was the beginning. I had to watch this episode but I couldn't start in the middle of the second season. So I waited till I heard that Pro7 was going to show it somewhen in january. Then I watched the first episode, Rose, in german and I couldn't wait for the next episode, that's why I watched the whole Season in english. That's how it started. After Doomsday, at the end of season 2 it was because of
diapadme, coz she told me about the 4th season... and that I should watch the third season first... first things first, you know ^.~
2. What was your first episode?
I'd say the 4 minutes of "the girl in the fireplace", i watched on YT don't count, so it'd be the first episode. "Rose"
3. Which episodes have you seen?
Complete Season 1, 2, 3 and the episodes of season 4 (and to be honest I can't wait to see the next one xP)
3a. Favorite?
Uhmz I've got a lot favourites!
In season one it was "Father's Day", "The empty Child", "The Doctor dances"
In season two it was "New Earth", "The Girl in the Fireplace" (ha of course! xD), "Doomsday" (Good episode! Even if i also hate it because it's the last episode with Rose... well nearly.. anyway)
In season three it was "The Runaway Bride", "Human Nature", "The Sound of Drums", "Last of the Time Lords"
Season 4 up to now "Partner's in Crime" and "The Unicorn and the Wasp" ("The Doctor's Daughter" was great as well but just not as much as PiC and TUatW)
4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
Not up to now, nope
5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
Well nope^^ I don't think so
6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
If this merchandise is also Soundtracks and DVDs, yep
7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
Depends on what he's doing with the episodes lol. As long as he's not gonna do anything bad to Rose in season 4 I kinda like him lol
7a. Steven Moffat?
Yeah like him^^ It's great that he's the "new man". I guess he'll do a great job^^
7b. Paul Cornell?
Uhmm yep? lol
8. What say you to Season 6b?
I've got no idea, to be honest xD
9. The UNIT dating controversy?
10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
Yeah, really what's that? I'm starting to feel dumb by now oO
11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
Go for it! Hahaaa xD
12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
I love the "wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff" ♥
13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
Yep I did, and if that counts I'm about to start with Torchwood xD
14. Have you met any of the actors?
14a. Travelled to any filming locations?
Not up to now. lol But maybe I will... we'll see^^
15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?
Uhm dunno lol
16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
I don't think so
17. What's your favourite pairing?
The Doctor and Rose of course! ♥
18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
The Doctor and the Girl from "Voyage of the Damned" play be Kylie... aww horrible lol.
And Doctor and Donna... they're great togethter but not as a pairing like Rose and the Doctor... like they said in "Planet of the Ood"
Doctor.Donna FRIENDS xD That's it^^ "You're not mating with me, sunshine" xD