
Jul 27, 2006 19:06

Hey, livejournal. Nice to see you again, it's been a while. I just got back from an amazing awesometastical trip, so I should be unpacking or something, but nobody's around to yell at me so I might as well post something on this damn thing and give it another lease on life. That was my pointless intro.
Anyway, about the trip: I find that when I try to remember individual details about vacations, I have a knack for only picking out the negative ones, so I'm going to try to remember this one as generally excellent without focussing too much on stuff like my eyes mysteriously swelling up or the difficulties involved with charging the Suburban's battery. Suffice to say, there was swimming (and trying not to get sucked away in the undertow and eaten by the mysterious green things that live in Lake Michigan and prey on undertow victims) and food (just like Benihana!) and tubing (amazing and fun and experienceful) and food and grocery shopping and food and drawing contests (and erasing large holes in pieces of paper) and food (okay, so there really wasn't THAT much food) and acting out stories without talking (except for the occasional utterance of "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore").
In the process, I learned several valuable life lessons:
1. Certain things were never meant to be drawn.
2. Don't wave to people you don't know unless you have a ready means of escape.
3. Always know where your jumper cables are.
4. I can't seem to remember it. I think the word "sure" was involved somehow, though...
Having exhausted my supply of stalling tactics, I think my only remaining option is to actually unpack.
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