Chicken Soup, STAT

Jan 20, 2015 21:08

Well, today was supposed to be my first day back on clinical rotations after a lovely three-and-a-half week break. It ended up being my first day of being sent home early lest I spread the evil germs like a dirty bomb. I somehow managed to get a runny nose, sinus congestion, and nausea. Who the hell gets those together? And, thanks to my whirlwind tour of job interviews over the past week or so, there's really know telling whose specific strain of Bad Bad Bug I ended up with. Was it the stomach flu from Rochester? The pneumonia from Syracuse? What about the death snots from Delaware or, my favorite, the classic Camden influenza?

I guess we'll never know.

On the bright side, I've figured out what's in those nasty medicinal teas that Aragorn-writers are always shoving down his throat. It is ginger. Doesn't matter how much honey you add, there's not enough honey in the world. Blergh.

These are the things you learn when you're too sick to go to the pharmacy (but never too sick to Internet it).

real life, random

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