Title: Ransom
Chapter Title: The Burning King
Word Count: 3,600 (this part)
Rating: T
Summary: As the son of a poor family in Harad, Hakim thought he knew what to expect out of life. But, when a stranger stumbles onto his land after escaping the Mountains of Shadow, he and his family see their lives upended.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One:
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Comments 2
THIS IS SO ARAGORN!!!!!!! *sigh* But poor Aragorn and poor Hakim. It's a tough turn, this, but not unexpected. Even without the benefit of knowing how Aragorn's story ultimately turns out, you get the very strong impression that Aragorn will not be defeated, even if he is led away in chains, sold as a slave. And even if he were to live out the rest of his life in slavery... you get the impression that he would never be defeated. And you've captured that aspect of his character very well. :)
It's great to hear that his strength came through in this. That's what I was most worried about conveying (especially since, besides treat some wounds and herd some goats, he hasn't actually done much in this fic). I've always been fascinated by the kind of quiet strength that he shows, so I tried to bring that out in this.
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