I'm back: this time with memes!

Nov 23, 2010 13:44

Hey all,
Some of you have noticed that I’ve been out of RL-limbo and back in lurk-land for a few days. I had a lot going on in real life-mostly school stuff, so I won’t bore you with the details-but I really want to apologize if I worried any of you by disappearing so suddenly.
This’ll be anticlimactic after the triumphal return of falafel_musings, but the fandom bug’s been itching for a while, and I might--might--be getting back into one or more fandoms. I have WIP’s and abandoned bunnies in pretty much every fandom I’ve visited. More than that, though I missed you all.
I also missed memes. This one I ganked from cairistiona7.

1) Lots of pillows, or just one?

Two at night, a lot during the day since my bed is the most comfortable piece of furniture I own.

2) What kind of books do you read?

Ideally, novels of the sci-fi or fantasy persuasion. In practice, whatever the professors have assigned this week, which at the moment is either textbooks on the biology of invertebrates or really dry discussions of literary style.

3) What are your neighbors like?

Stupid undergraduate assholes who congregate for a smoke and a very loud drunken conversation right outside my window at four in the morning and then get pissy when I say “Dude, not cool.” (Anger issues? Me? Nah . . .)

4) What’s the best lesson you’ve ever learned?

If you put yourself out there, you’ll sometimes look like an idiot, but it’s way, way better than the alternative.

5) Tell 3 things you have in your point of view right now.

A pile of laundry I really need to do.
A textbook for a neurobiology class that I’m not even taking this semester.
An owl-shaped bobble-head that my parents sent with the Halloween care package.

6) What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

Fandom-wise, I’m going through a burst of nostalgia for all my old favorites. I’m beginning to catch up on BSG fic, looking with interest at some of my discarded LotR bunnies, and even pondering giving my 2007 Pretender WIP a good kick in the rump.

Addiction-wise, none of this matters because OH MY GOD, GREYS ANATOMY IS LIKE CRACK!! TERRIBLE ADDICTIVE CRACK WITH A CHASER OF BAD ACID TRIPS THAT GIVES YOU ROM COM STEREOTYPES AND FREQUENT GENDERFAIL AND WANTING TO PUNCH McDEMPSEY IN HIS STUPID, GORGEOUS FACE. MY GOD I CAN’T MAKE IT STOP, SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP!!!! Curse my apartment mates with their viewing habits and my stupid "I'll just watch the first episode" idea. That’s all.

7) Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty, or savory?

My sweet tooth is legend. Right now I’m very depressed that it might be a whole ten months before I see candy corn again.

8) What websites do you always visit when you go online?

NYT or CNN.com if a headline catches my interest, two email accounts, LJ, I can haz cheezburger, sometimes a fic archive of some fandom or other, a variety of feminist blogs, my school’s Blackboard site. Lather, rinse, repeat.

9) What was the last thing you bought?

A Mountain Dew out of the vending machines in the science building while I was tutoring last night. $1.50 for a twenty ounce bottle. I got robbed.

10) What is your favorite flower?

Wild violets-the kind that grow between the dandelions in weedy backyards and sidewalk cracks.

11) What is the most difficult thing you have ever done?

Getting help when the depression got bad. Seriously, shrinks are scary.

12) What was the last meal you ate?

Frosted cherry pop-tarts with a can of Sunkist orange soda. No, I’m not telling you which meal this was. My sweet tooth-you were warned.

13) Do you want to learn another language?

I used to be pretty good with Spanish. Right now, I speak Science, and that will have to suffice for the time being. May all your deeds be entropically favorable.

14) Five things you want right now:

A six hour nap.
A good grade on the exam I took three weeks ago and still haven’t gotten back.
The will to finish the Paper of Doom that’s due in ten hours.
Chocolate in large quantities.
A real night’s sleep.

15) Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 36. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?

This one was actually a tie, so I’ll give you both:

“ ‘This was such a graceful Hall,’ the Lady Gemma murmured for F’Lar’s ears alone.” (Pern FTW!)

“Some additional techniques are the indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test, the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, and the complement fixation (CF) test.”

Remember what I said about actual vs. ideal?

16) What’s something that someone said to you today that was amusing?

My stat professor suggested that we all study Analysis of Variance over Thanksgiving Break. I don’t think he intended to be funny.

17) What are you looking forward to?

My own bed, now no more than twelve hours in my future. (dreamy face . . .)

18) Do you prefer boxers, briefs, or tighty-whities on a guy?

I’m gonna have to go with “tighty-whities on a guy.” I’ve got plenty of underwear as it is, but if it comes with its own be-knickered guy, I’ll make an exception;)

19) What is your favorite electronic accessory?

My shiny new laptop, which is currently enabling my irresponsible procrastination in favor of wasting time with you lovely people!

real life, tags are fun, meme, random

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