Fan Fiction Archived

Dec 19, 2022 16:04

Welcome to my journal! Here's my lovely collection of fic, spanning six fandoms (and counting). I write mostly gen fics, with a few pairings thrown in here and there--mostly on request. All stories are gen and rated no higher than T unless otherwise noted. Hope you enjoy!

The Pretender

My very first fandom. I don't have all my tP fics archived yet, but here's what I've posted:

"Twin Crosses" A dialogue-only drabble of exactly 100 words, set after "Red Rock Jarod."

Lord of the Rings

I'm getting back into Tolkien fandom, so this section may grow. Some of these fics share OCs and/or plot threads, so I've posted them in chronological order depending on where they fall in canon.

"Splintered Reflection." A series of reflections from the lives of Aragorn and Denethor.

"While Hope Lasts." With Arathorn dead, Gilraen thought she had nothing left to lose. She was wrong.
This fic is rated a hard T for numerous depictions of violence, particularly violence against children.
Chapter One: To Slay a Legend
Chapter Two: Of Flames and Flight
Chapter Three: Casualty
Chapter Four: Somebody's Child
Chapter Five: Elrondion

"The Sound of Laughter." In Rivendell, Estel's life is nearly idyllic. But, the world outside remains dark. When he encounters a wounded and traumatized child, Estel learns the meaning of loss, but also the meaning of healing.
A sequel to "While Hope Lasts."
Chapter One: Maybe You're Ada.
Chapter Two: Dance With Me.

"The Silver Queen" Estel asks a question that Elrohir doesn't want to answer.
Winner of the December 2008 Teitho Challenge "Once Upon a Time."

"And the Darkness Did Not Overcome It" Estel has a nightmare.
Written for rs9 on her birthday.

"A Scion of Eärendil’s House" Elladan and Elrohir think it's time their foster brother saw more of the world. Elrond distrusts their motives . . . and his own.
Written for the Teitho Challenge "Weapons."

"The Quiet War" In the wake of his first battle with the Rangers, Aragorn must wage another kind of war.

"Heritage and Horsehair" A young Chieftain contemplates his place among his people.
Written for cairistiona7 on her birthday.

"By Names Unknown" A chance ambush brings back troubling memories.
Winner of the February 2013 Teitho Challenge "History Repeating Itself."

"Treasures in Old Socks" Aragorn loses an important piece of his heritage and Gandalf helps him find it.
Winner of the January 2013 Teitho Challenge, "Jewels."

"Children of Eorl." A vignette on the strangest thing about Edoras. A tale of Thorongil.

"The Cruelest Kindness." When he captures a young raider, Aragorn's concepts of duty and mercy are put to the test.
Winner of the May Teitho Challenge, "Capture." Art by Starlight.
Chapter One: Mercy Strokes
Chapter Two: Nursery Rhymes

"Ransom": As the son of a poor family in Harad, Hakim thought he knew what to expect out of life. But, when a stranger stumbles onto his land after escaping the Mountains of Shadow, he and his family see their lives upended.

Chapter One: Old Customs, Old Fears
Chapter Two: The Limits of Charity
Chapter Three: A Shuttered Light
Chapter Four: The Empty Men
Chapter Five: Dark Tales
Chapter Six: And Are We Yet Alive
Chapter Seven: And See Each Other’s Face
Chapter Eight: Risk, Reward, and Ruin
Chapter Nine: The Burning King
Chapter Ten: Desperate Hearts
Chapter Eleven: Be All My Sins Remembered
Epilogue: For Peace

"To Save or to Salvage": Azzam is determined to save Aragorn-by any means necessary. A timestamp to “Ransom,” set between the tenth and eleventh chapters of that fic.

"Strangers": For better or worse, Aragorn left his mark on Harad.
Chapter One: The Tall Tark: Aragorn is bought by a slaver, who thoroughly regrets it.
Chapter Two: The Traitor’s Rewards: The Grand Army is almost as brutal to its own people as it is to its enemies. Aragorn seeks to undermine it from within.
Chapter Three: The Way Out: Hope is high as a resistance movement is born. But, tensions with his allies may soon destroy everything that Aragorn has built.

"The Wizard and the Goatherd": Chance drove Aragorn to Harad, but desperation drove Gandalf to follow him. A fortuitous meeting on the edge of the Haradwaith. A timestamp to “Strangers.”

"Hunting Alone": The age-old story of a wolf, a man, and a mountain.
Written for the Teitho Challenge "Mountains."

"Little Disasters": Aragorn's attempt to impress Arwen goes awry. Halbarad enjoys the result a little too much.
A gift!fic for Cairistiona featuring unnatural shades of pink.

"Fire in the Sky": The Rangers enjoy Bilbo's party, though only from a distance.
Written for the Teitho Challenge "Magic."

"Hands of a Warrior" "War is the province of Men." The experience of an original character in the battle of Helm's Deep."
A two-shot, loosely based on the Middle-earth Express prompt "Battle."
Chapter One: Breaking
Chapter Two: Healing

"The Ragged Edge of Legend." Sauron has fallen, but as he waits for Gandalf's return, Aragorn isn't ready to celebrate.
Winner of the April 2013 Teitho Challenge "Smells."

"A Thousand Lutes." In the aftermath of the War of the Ring, a captured Haradri encounters a healer who is more than he appears. A timestamp to "Ransom" featuring Ayman.

"Sea Foam, Star Shine." All his life, Elrond has been left behind. Now, it's his time to go.
Second place winner in the January 2009 Teitho Challenge "Leavetaking."

"Talismans" Five years after the battle at Osgiliath, Faramir broods over a promise his brother made.
Written for the March 2013 Teitho Challenge "Promises."

"The More Things Change" Aragorn has no idea how he ended up on this flooded hillside with a splitting headache. He tries to put on a brave face for the concerned young man tending him . . . but it would be so much easier if he could remember who this man is.
A birthday fic for lindahoyland.

Battlestar Galactica

While I have an open WIP in BSG fandom, it is sadly on hiatus. Assume spoilers for the entire series. Fics are posted in the order that I wrote them.

"Junk." A short look into Adama's mind as he surveys his old Viper.
Posted on FFN long before I truly entered the fandom.

"Carry Me Home." Five things Admiral Adama said to Felix Gaeta and one time when he said nothing at all.
Major angst warning.
Chapter One: The Bucket
Chapter Two: The Mud Ball
Chapter Three: Home
Chapter Four: Orders
Chapter Five: Equivocation
Chapter Six: Carried

"Dinner With Ellen." Apollo needs to be rescued. Like, right frakkin' now!
Humorous fluff.

"'Dead' Like Me." The day after the firing squad, the Admiral and the Lieutenant sit down to congratulate themselves on a job well done.
More fluff with a side of denial.

"Beyond the Line" After Felix Gaeta is arrested on the eve of the planned mutiny, the crew of Galactica learn that some things are far beyond the control of any one man.
Angst, goes AU after "A Disquiet Follows My Soul." Spoilers through "Blood on the Scales." Eventually ten chapters.

Chapter One: Arrested
Chapter Two: Escalation
Chapter Three: Resolved
Chapter Four: Confrontation
Chapter Five: Trust

"The Gift of Hermes" Romo Lampkin knows what it means to be a surrogate son. Written for the bsg_remix for pusyzsty based on "A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words"

"Worship" After the mutiny, Louis says goodbye. Also written for puzsysty based on "A Goodbye I Didn't Know I Needed". This is angsty slash. It's also the only R-rated story I've written.

"So This Is Freedom" A brief look into Tom Zarek's world in the immediate aftermath of "Bastille Day." Written for the frak_that prompt "Around the Fleet."

"Do No Harm" The story of a mutiny, a medic, and the three patients who stayed with her. Written for the femgenficathon, features Layne Ishay.

Comment fics: Written in response to requests for a meme.
"Bunked" Hoshi's first day on the Galactica.
"Crash" Gaeta/Crashdown slash set during "Kobol's Last Gleaming."
"Forget" Gaeta/Cylon!Baltar slash set on New Caprica. Very angsty.
"Scope" Fluff. Helo serving as Gaeta's wingman while Gaeta tries to pick up guys.
"Boom" Boomer's arrival on Galactica doesn't go well.

The Wire

Thank falafel_musings for giving me the Wire bug. It's a small fandom (even smaller than The Pretender) without much of a creative community, so my fic may very well be the first of its kind. It's kind of fun, actually--inventing my own fandom as I go along. I hadn't realized how much of my style I adapt from other fanfics until I forced myself to write characters I'd only seen presented in the canon material.

"Between Heaven and Here" Board games and the afterlife.


Dollhouse is one of those shows that I followed with typical fannish obsession but never felt the need to write for. That changed briefly when the penultimate episode, "The Hollow Men," came out, so I wrote one fic to deal with ALL THE FEELINGS it caused me.

"Everything You Made Me" Echo can't sleep.


Nikita (the US version with Maggie Q) is a delightful little show that reminds me of my first fandom love, The Pretender. I've written one fic in this universe and may or may not expand that.

"The New Kid" When Michael was ordered to bring in a new potential recruit named Nikita, he knew the ex-fil wouldn't be pretty. He just hadn't planned on caring so much.
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