
Dec 16, 2007 05:23

I love snow.  Actually I love how snow looks before people are out driving on it and walking on it and messing it up. The thing I love about snow the most however is the way it sounds when you step in it. That sort of crunch sound that is unmistakably "stepping in snow". So, tonight when I was going out to clean off my car so that I could get to work, and I stepped out the door of my flat and heard that sound, I was all happy.  It also made me think of Rose stepping out of the TARDIS into the snow at the beginning of 'The Unquiet Dead' and how you can hear that sound. Which is another reason that I love Doctor Who (How'd I get from snow to Doctor Who you ask? Everything can relate back to my fandom of choice. It's like magic.). There's just so much attention to detail and I love it and (spoiler) Rose is coming back!!!

And that's why I love snow.

real life, doctor who

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