Art on the Job

May 17, 2008 21:41

I really am pretty lucky for the opportunities I'm presented with at my job to be creative. I decorate cakes whenever I get the chance, and I do the signs for the Starbucks in our store on a weekly basis.

I really should take more pictures of my cakes, I do an average of 15-20 each week.

Promotional displays, which are changed about once a month or so. I used to do 2, but now they have only one, paired with this ugly-ass mission statement thing. Bleh.

This was a personal exercise in hand-rendering a type face.  I'm not too crazy about the 'o' in Americano, but overall I was pretty satisfied with how it turned out.


Bottom of the aforementioned ugly-ass mission statement can be seen at the top. I was studying the Futurists in Design History when I did this. Does it show? Except for that little star. I don't know what the hell that was.


Their most prolifically promoted blend is also one of their dullest in terms of packaging. For a long time I did this sign with a rose and stylized leaves spreading from it as the graphic. I've recently taken to experimenting with it to get something more exciting.

Fail. Just.... massive fail. It was a shitty design and I kept on trying to compensate by adding and adding and it was a mess. FAIL. and what the fuckery is UP with that cup???

Same concept, slightly better execution. Still not the best thing in the world. cup STILL looks like shit

Then suddenly! Breakthrough! This was partially facilitated by the fact that the company decided to cut all the crap talking about the blend (wise choice), which freed up alot of 'white space' for me to make use of.


Now here's one I'll never have trouble with. Too bad they only promote it once or twice a year.

Another fairly dull package/name that's always given me trouble. This is the first time I actually came up with something I really like. (and I'm ridiculously proud of the perspective on that logo). No pictures of previous attempts, which quite frankly is better for your overall well being anyway.

For hand-rendered typography, I'd have to say this is a personal favorite of mine. I just like the playful way the baselines rest on the mountains.

The package features a highly stylized tiger, but their example is... pathetic. A coffee cup with some weird yellow wavey thingies coming off of it. It looks like they're saying it's radioactive. So, I always try to incorporate the tiger in some form or another. Still coming up with a good solution to that one.

Another one I'm working on to find something good; it's their fair-trade blend, but I really would rather stay away from kitschy imagery of peaceful looking, dark haired, dark skinned people (usually women) lovingly hand picking each coffee bean with care. Yeah, right.  9_9

I'm torn on this solution. One the one hand, it's kind of a neat image, but on the other, I look at it and go, WOW! The coffee grounds are SO rancid, they're doubling as potting soil! Neup. Keep coming with the ideas. -_-

... again, I'm torn. Its almost too simple. And I'm not too sure on the imagery.

XD I know. Waaaaaay after Easter. Couldn't help it. =p

Warning: Image heavy. With any luck, most of the posts won't be QUITE this huge...

commercial, food, chalk paint, cake, starbucks, traditional

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