Apr 20, 2005 21:39
So by popular demand I am up dating the live journal, ok not popular demand in fact only one person told me I should…..Oh well, love you Rachelle! That and I don’t want to do my homework! My weekend was like a roller coaster ride. I had some very high points and some low ones too. Friday I had my date (Friend date) with Desi and then I went home for some much need sleep. I had to work all Saturday and after that I had Young Adult stuff to do at the Church. Lately I have been to church more then anyone I know and should be holier then the Pope by now! Anyways that went ghastly and I was going to go to poker night but instead ended up hanging out with Steven, Rachelle, and Kendra Sue all night. I am so glad I did, I had so much fun all night. And I mean all nigh, we had a sleepover at Stevens and I got to share a bed with one hot lady! The only problem was between the two of us we could not stop talking and did not get to bed tell after 5:00. And thank you K poop I did not go to the bathroom 20 times, it was more like 15! TO MUCH DIET COKE! Then less then two hours later I was up getting ready for church. After Church I went to work and then after that back to church! I told you I more holy then the Pope! Although The Young adult event went good leading up to was terrible. At one point I almost started to cry and I have not cried in two years! (Movies don’t count) And yes I should have been a man! After that a small group of us went to Apple Bee’s tell midnight. Needless to say I fell asleep at the table for a good half hour. Mental Note: Apple Bee’s not a high-quality place to sleep! Monday I had work and church. On Tue. after school I went to hang out with Rachelle and Steven over at his house we had fun playing basket ball, which is a sport I was remained that I suck at! We all had a tickle fight and Rachelle and I kicked Stevens ASS! He even cried for his mommy! Love you Steven! That had been my week so far hope everyone has been having a good one to.