First Week Over......

Nov 07, 2006 21:28

Well the first week of my job is over and it has been an interesting week.  A number of things are obvious.  The private sector expects results and you are expected to put the hours in.  Not that I wasn't expecting this mind. Although having to get up at 7am ready to dirive into work for 9am is still taking a little getting used to.  My boss is rather too busy to show me anything for very long but that will change as he will have to deligate some jobs to me.  I also bought a Tomtom Sat Nav which has meant I have been able to find all these little companies that my company contracts for.

The job is quite a learning expereince seeing what small companies actually use in their IT.  I mean the lack of investment in what for a lot of these places are now critical systems is surprising.  Most of these companies only invest when everything has broken down.  Also Windows 2003 Small Business Server is one of the most challenging products I have ever used, I mean your meant to run OS, Exchange, SQL Server, Printing, Licence Server etc on one server.  Well perhaps you can but not on a home built PC for £300 you can't.

Cheltenham is a lovely place to live now I am all settled in.  Find myself a routine is perhaps.  Although as predicted having a decent alternate/rock/metal club that serves real ale has perhaps a little worse for wear over the past couple of weekends (well that and attempts to chat up cute 19 year old girls).

Have fun people.
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