quotes on hawai'i (aka who actually says that??)

May 17, 2007 23:49

tonight at dinner;

DAD: how was Hawai'i?
ME: ...awesome, clearly...
STEPMOM: yea, i never much cared for Hawai'i
ME: how?
STEPMOM: the beaches weren't really that great. i mean, they're alright, i just didn't like 'em that much.
ME: you must've been going to the wrong ones.
STEPMOM: i just wanted some clear blue water and fine sand and nice trees .....

okay, i think i've past the point - the point being Who SAYS That?
and how do you respond? i tried showing pictures. i got un-impressed facial expressions.
and maybe the pictures weren't that great, but honestly, i mostly take the zen approach to beautiful scenery and try to take in everything around me all at once without whippin' out the cam so i can remember this magical moment in 4x6 for the rest of my life. i'd like to enjoy it completely in the NOW.
I dont know how she could not notice the beauty of those islands. . .
unless she was primarily focused on the quality of resort service, the price of the norwegian grouper on the helaciously expensive tourists'-vacation-money-catch-all of a restaurant scene, and/or the myriad of choices (with so little time...) offered at the indoor/outdoor mall....ever so conveniently attached to said resort.

in any case, we happen to be discussing one half of the duo infamous for their performances whilst sending back the overcooked steak at chili's. (...because we expect New York quality in our colleyville restaurant row?)
i must ask myself how i am surprised.

now that i've officially battered and fried my lovely stepmother, perhaps i should pair her with plantain;

she recommended Playa over both Cabo and Cozumel.

alas, stepmother, you may have the upper hand when it comes to beaches, but one of these days i'll meet you're Playa and raise you Figi, Bahia, and St. Thomas.
i'll stop myself before i start taking cheap shots. in truth, her commentary never shocks or bothers me in the least.

however, it usually makes others who don't know her chuckle.

good thing i spell checked - almost ruin

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