Good times, high crimes (cameo by tarrantino)

Aug 18, 2006 17:01

I'm just going to ahead and create a real journal entry. just to say what's been going on, no smoke and mirrors....or whatever....

Since I came back from Colleyville, I've been working for 8.50 an hour at the recycling center collecting cardboard from all the people moving into the new dorms.
I had no idea how much cardboard and packing materials get disposed of in this process. I was reading Travels with Charley by John Steinback and at one point he started talking about the mountains of packing materials we create by living the way we do. THere's more packing materials than their are goods to go inside them! It's things like this that frustrate me about the society I live in. Now, i'm not going to get myself all invovled in a self-righteous rant about the negatives of American society today, because i'd only be setting myself up to be labeled a democratic vegan hippie nalgene-toting college student who knows nothing about real life and how to survive independently while paying taxes. But I don't think i'm wrong to be uneasy about how we live. I wonder sometimes what it was like for people to live before you got charged a fee to occupy a space, or before the urban sprawl when people began living in close quarters with one another without knowing anything about each other. I would like to know what it's like to not feel as though i need to make a celebrity of myself to feel i've accomplished something with my life. I want to know what it was like to be a nomad - migrating away from the inhumane, oppressive heat of South Texas in the summer and returning in the winter.

Speaking of which, my first day on the job i was working in the warehouse breaking down boxes and i became dehydrated and got a throbbing headache. I had to take a break for an hour and nap in the AC then return to work. I love being outside, but it's not even worth it in the searing hot sun. it's been over 100 degrees the past few days straight. UNGODLY.
But for some reason I miss that - must be Stockholm Syndrome.


Last night i took Katie, O'malley, and Raul to go see Snakes on a plane at the alamo drafthouse. There was a reptilian pre-show with live rattle snakes and a cobra. These 3 good-ole boys in their wranglers were handling hte snakes and telling us all about them/provoking them to rattle. One guy put 6 snake tails in his mouth and the snakes all wiggled around near the floor. It was pretty nerve-wracking stuff. One of the guys was walking around showing people the snake fangs and as some lady was marveling at the sight he goes (and please don't hesitate to employ your best texas good 'ole boy voice when envisioning this dialog)
"you know what i got on my screen saver?"
"I got a cobra - standin' up."
"sure do. and i'm kissin' the back of his head!"

Raul about fell out of his chair when he said that.
During the reptile show, Tarrantino showed up with an entourage of Rosario Dawson (josie and the pussycats) and some girl whose last name was Davis who was in Rent (ok, i'm lame i dont know movie stars). Davis had badass hair (she was half-black with a big fro that the snake followed around.
It was totally unexpected to see Tarrantino there as an audience member, and naturally everyone was all whispering about it and whatnot. I would have liked to ask hiim for a photo but i always feel bad about being a fan like that. I figure they just want to eat and enjoy themselves like anyone else. I'm sorry mom, Bree, Becky, Leah, and whomever else is disappointed in me for this.
Me and Katie split the Rattlesnake cakes for dinner, and the four of us invested in two, 5-beer buckets of Samuel L. Jackson Badass Beer. I kept a bottle - it says Samuel L. Jackson,a nd it's got a pic of him lookin' like sam adams. then underneath it says "badass MotherF**ker"
except, the U and the C are really there. yea, i know , i occassionally use the word but i'm still weird about it. it's still an ugly word.

The movie was hilarious. They missed no opportunity to get totally goofy with the action - some guy gets killed when he is stampeded by passengers and some lady's high heel gets lodged in his ear. the first person to get bit is a dude whose doin' it with his woman in the bathroom. she then gets attacked directly on the nipple. Some guy gets attacked on the Penis when he's peeing...there's a bunch of cheesy dialog like when someone goes "this is a life and death situation, what are we going to do?!" and Jackson's like '...*pause*...Mam, i've been trained to handle life and death situations on a daily basis..."
I recommend it to anyone with a sense of humor. If you are expecting a real good film, stay home. This one's for the zombie flick lovers.

in other news, i have to pay 130 bucks for a parking permit. A PERMIT! how rediculous is that? a hundred and thirty bones just to park my car. I could take a weekend trip to galveston for that much money. HIGHWAY ROBBERY.
but, everyone's gotta make their money somehow - in this case, stealing it legally from college students.
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