The Newest Smith

Aug 03, 2006 04:40

Ok, so! She finally made her grand entrance in to this world, and well, out of my belly.

I gave her an eviction notice and she decided after a while to comply!

I'm sleepy, so this won't be much of an update.

Elora-Lane Marie Smith was born at 02:03 am, Friday, July 28th. She weighed in at 8lbs 1oz, and was 21.5 inches long. I was in hard labour from about 4pm on, and finally caved in at 9pm and got the epidural. I did well for the most part but with having been induced the contractions were just too strong. I was worried if I took no relief I would never be able to deliver her when the time came. At 1:30 I started pushing, and a very fast 33 minutes later she was here!

If I wasn't so tired I'd upload a picture, but for now you get a userpic. She's gorgeous, if I do say so myself. With a tonne of hair that happens to look like some one has taken the highlighting kit to! Browny blonde with 'highlights' of blonde, and, of course, blue eyes.

I couldn't be more in awe or love and despite a rough few days, I'm very happy.

Pictures to come when it's not quarter to five in the morning!
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