My impressions of MGS4

Jun 18, 2008 21:29

I just beat act four of Metal Gear Solid 4. There's one more act, and then an epilogue and a debriefing. I assume the 90 minute long cutscene is in there somewhere if it actually exists.
The game is gorgeous. The characters are the deepest they've ever been, and Kojima's cinematography is at its best.
The story kicks ass, and the delivery of the story kicks ass. However there really isn't much actual game. I don't mind that fact though. I enjoy playing though what basically amounts to a 20+ hour movie with occasional sections where I can take control.
A lot of reviewers feel let down by this game in some way. Maybe I need to beat it first, but so far, I don't see anything you wouldn't come to expect from the Metal Gear Solid franchise. The critics say that the game has really long cutscenes, and doesn't play very differently from previous metal gear games. Somehow they suggest that those qualities are bad. I call bullshit. They implemented the one necessary change: You can now move and aim a the same time.

I will tell you just a few things you have to look forward to in this game:

1. A scene where the game reverts to the the graphics and gameplay of the PSX version of MGS1
2. You get to Pilot Metal Gear Rex and use it to kick Metal Gear Ray's ass.
3. Plenty of Fan service
4. The coolest black arms dealer ever with a pet monkey
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