As Time Passes By Part 1

Feb 07, 2012 02:30

This is the story of how Sam and Jack actually met. I'm planning on 5 parts for now, and we'll see where (if anywhere) it goes from there. I'll post them as soon as I finish them; I'm most of the way done with part 2.
Oh, and...can someone please help me use cuts? lol
ETA: Now that I figured it out, I"ll repost this so it doesn't take up so much room.
Oh, and I'm almost finished with Part 2. It ended up having a mind of its own, and it's a lot longer!

As Time Passes By
By: Brendini
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Category: Friendship
Summary: Times through the years when Sam and Jack met, even before they met.
Feedback: Please!

Captain Jack O’Neill was bored out of his mind, and he couldn’t sleep. It was the middle of the night at the hospital at Rammstein Air Base in Germany, and Jack was feeling…antsy. That was understandable, considering he’d been confined to a bed for the last four days. It was too quiet (and boring) in his own room, so he decided to go exploring.

Jack figured that he’d have to get creative to make it to the wheelchair by the wall. Taking a deep breath, he hefted his casted left leg over the side of the bed. Luckily, it was only a half cast, so he could still bend his knee. He scooted himself forward until he could reach the floor with his good leg, then he leveraged himself out of the bed. Resting on his good leg, he quietly hopped over to the wheelchair, then sat down with a sigh of relief. Now, to get out of this room!

The door to his room had been left open, so Jack quietly wheeled himself to the doorway and peeked around the doorjamb. He looked one way, then the other, making sure there were no nurses around. He skulked into the hallway, unsure of where he was headed. Glancing around, he noticed a sign for pediatrics, and decided to go that way. You could almost never go wrong with kids.

Jack maneuvered his way through the halls, listening for signs of anyone who could send him back to his room. After having to duck into one room to evade “the enemy”, he found the place he was looking for. Success!

Sneaking another look around, Jack didn’t see anyone else around, so he poked his head into the ward. He rolled his way down the hall quietly, listening for any sounds. Peeking into one of the rooms, he saw a young girl looking back at him. Her eyes spoke to him, somehow, and he turned into her room.

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” Jack asked her quietly.

“Can’t sleep, I’m wide awake. What’s your excuse?” she shot back at him.

“It’s too da-dang quiet in here.” She giggled at his near-miss. “Hey, no giggling, airman!” She giggled again. “I’m Jack, what about you?”

“Nice to meet you, Jack. I’m Samantha. You can call me Sam, though.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Sam. What are they holding you for?” he asked conspiratorially.

“Tonsils. I have to have them out.”
            “Hey, you get lots of ice cream after that.”

“What about you, Jack?”

“Broken leg, some bumps and bruises. They’re just checking under my hood, making sure all the fluids are topped off,” he answered, making light of the injuries he had sustained on his latest op. He certainly wasn’t going to tell this young girl what had happened to him.

Concern made her clear blue eyes seem even bigger. “What happened?”

Jack silently cursed himself. “Nothing major, just a little scuffle. You should see the other guy,” he joked. He cursed himself again when he saw the sympathy and tears in her eyes. He almost thought he could get lost in them.

Sam reached out and squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry you got hurt, Jack.”

Jack didn’t know what he could possibly say to that. Here was this young girl, in the hospital for her own reason, and she was trying to make him feel better. He swallowed hard, twice, trying to get his emotions under control.

“Thank you, Samantha,” he was finally able to say. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

She smiled, and the whole room seemed to brighten.

‘Oh, yeah! She’s going to be a heartbreaker,’ he thought.

Jack decided to change the subject. “So, you missing any school with this whole ‘tonsils’ thing?”

She grimaced. “Yeah, unfortunately. But I got my homework ahead of time, so it’s fine.”

“Somehow, I’m sensing you like school.”

‘I do. It’s fun learning new things, even if it does get boring sometimes.”

“What gets boring?”

“Usually math and science, because either I pick it up really fast, or it’s something I’ve read about already.”

“Read a lot, do you?”

“Yeah, I like reading. You can learn about people and things that you would never be able to actually meet or do.”

“That is a very good point. So, how do you feel about, oh, I don’t know…chess?”

“I like it. But my brother isn’t very good at it, so I usually beat him.”

“Your brother, huh? Hmm…I don’t suppose you’d be interested in playing me? I might give you a run for your money.”

“You’re on! But where will we find a board?”

“Let me see what I can find,” Jack said with a twinkle in his eye. Jack turned and wheeled his way out of the room, leaving Sam sitting up in her bed. A few minutes later he returned, triumphantly holding up the set he had found.

“Where did you find one at this time of night?” she asked.

“Ahh! I can’t tell you, or I’d have to shoot you,” he joked.

“Well, we can’t have that. Who would keep you entertained in the middle of the night?”

“Was that…a jab, Samantha? I think I’ve already become a bad influence on you.”

“No, I’m pretty sure I was already like that when you showed up.”

“Whew! Otherwise I might have to worry about charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

“Nope, my dad beat you to it,” she laughed.

“Oh, well, in that case…” he laughed.

Jack set up the board on Sam’s bedside table, pulling the table between them. “White or black? Lady’s choice.”

Sam thought for a moment. “Black.”

“Interesting,” Jack commented.

“Well, I obviously need to keep you guessing,” she joked.

As the game progressed, it became clear to the players that each challenged the other. Neither one was able to “let” the other one win. Finally, jack was able to beat Sam, but just barely. To her credit, Sam took the loss gracefully.

“Good game, Jack. It was nice to have a challenge.”

“You did very well yourself. You’ve got a good eye for strategy.”

“Thanks,” Sam said, blushing.

Jack noticed she was starting to get tired.

“You think you can sleep now?” he asked gently.

“Yeah, maybe.” She stifled a yawn. “Will you stay a few more minutes?"

“Definitely,” he said, moving the table. “Now, get up there and get under your covers.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” she joked, following his “order”. “Will I see you again?”

“I’ll come down and check on you tomorrow. Don’t worry, it’ll all work out fine,” he promised.

Sam’s eyes drifted closed. “Good night, Jack,” she murmured.

“Sweet dreams, Samantha,” he whispered. Once he was sure she was asleep, Jack pushed himself up on his good leg. He brushed a kiss across her forehead. “Good night, Sam.”

Jack quietly made his way back to his room, detouring to put the chess board where he had found it. Once he got to his room, Jack found himself becoming tired as well. He arranged himself back in his bed and pulled up his covers. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face that matched the one on Sam’s.

The next morning, Jack had a surprise after breakfast. His doctors had decided he could be discharged and sent back to the States. He would be flying out that afternoon.

‘I won’t be able to check on Sam,’ he thought sadly, ‘or say goodbye. Maybe…maybe she’s out of surgery by now.’

After his discharge, Jack persuaded his nurse to go by the pediatric ward. When they got to her room, Sam wasn’t there.

“Do you have some paper?” he asked the nurse. “I want to leave a note.” After she scrounged around, the nurse came up with a sheet of notebook paper.

“Dear Sam,

I hope your surgery went well. I’m sorry I missed you, but I got a surprise after breakfast. They’re shipping me back home today.

Keep exercising that brain of yours, and keep smiling that beautiful smile.

Yours truly,

Capt. Jack O’Neill”

Jack set the note, folded in a tent, on Sam’s tray table. As the nurse rolled him out, Jack wondered if he would ever see Sam again.

fanfic, sam/jack, stargate sg-1

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