My Hugo Voting

Aug 02, 2015 16:34

This is a contentious year for the Hugo awards so all sorts of arm-chair statititions are wanting to see the votes for as many people as they can to plug into their Will-The-Puppies-Screw-Up-O-Metres. As of tomorrow I am going to be working 21 of the next 23 days so a in-depth review of the stories may be a while, so behind the cut are the bare numbers for those who want them.

In all but one two place if I voted for No Award, I chose not to number candidates further. Drek is drek and I am not really intrested in deciding how much worse one bad work is than another.

Best Novel

3    Ancillary Sword Ann Leckie
      The Dark Between the Stars Kevin J. Anderson
2    The Goblin Emperor Katherine Addison
      Skin Game Jim Butcher
1    Three-Body Problem Cixin Liu, translated by Ken Liu
4    No Award

Best Novella

Big Boys Don't Cry Tom Kratman
      "Flow" Arlan Andrews, Sr
      One Bright Star to Guide Them John C. Wright
      "Pale Realms of Shade" John C. Wright
      "The Plural of Helen of Troy" John C. Wright
1    No Award

Best Novelette

"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Alluvium" Gray Rinehart
      "Championship B'tok" Edward M Lerner
1    "The Day the World Turned Upside Down" Thomas Olde Heuvelt
      "The Journeyman: In the Stone House" Michael F. Flynn
      "The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale" Rajnar Vajra
2    No Award

Best Short Story

"On A Spiritual Plain" Lou Antonelli
      "The Parliament of Beasts and Birds" John C. Wright
      "A Single Samurai" Steven Diamond
1    "Totaled" Kary English
      "Turncoat" Steve Rzasa
2    No Award

Best Related Work

"The Hot Equations: Thermodynamics and Military SF" Ken Burnside
      Letters from Gardner Lou Antonelli
      Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth John C. Wright
      "Why Science is Never Settled" Tedd Roberts
      Wisdom from My Internet Michael Z. Williamson
1    No Award

Best Graphic Story

1    Ms. Marvel Volume 1: No Normal
3    Rat Queens Volume 1: Sass and Sorcery
2    Saga Volume 3
5    Sex Criminals Volume 1: One Weird Trick
      The Zombie Nation Book #2: Reduce Reuse Reanimate
4    No Award

Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

1    Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3    Edge of Tomorrow
5    Guardians of the Galaxy
4    Interstellar
2    The Lego Movie
      No Award

Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

2    Doctor Who: "Listen"
3    The Flash: "Pilot"
5    Game of Thrones: "The Mountain and the Viper"
4    Grimm: "Once We Were Gods"
1    Orphan Black: "By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried"
      No Award

Best Professional Editor (Short Form)

1    Jennifer Brozek
      Vox Day
2    Mike Resnick
      Bryan Thomas Schmidt
      Edmund R. Schubert
3    No Award

Best Professional Editor (Long Form)

Vox Day
1    Sheila Gilbert
3    Jim Minz
2    Anne Sowards
     Toni Weisskopf
4    No Award

Best Professional Artist

1    Julie Dillon
      Kirk DouPonce
2    Nick Greenwood
3    Alan Pollack
      Carter Reid
4    No Award

Best Semiprozine

5    Abyss & Apex Wendy Delmater editor and publisher
2    Andromeda Spaceways In-Flight Magazine
4    Beneath Ceaseless Skies
3    Lightspeed Magazine
1    Strange Horizons Niall Harrison
      No Award

Best Fanzine

3    Black Gate
      Elitist Book Reviews
1    Journey Planet
      The Revenge of Hump Day Tim Bolgeo
4    Tangent Online
2    No Award

Best Fancast

3    Adventures in SciFi Publishing
4    Dungeon Crawlers Radio
2    Galactic Suburbia Podcast
      The Sci Phi Show
1    Tea and Jeopardy
5    No Award

Best Fan Writer

Dave Freer
      Amanda S. Green
3    Jeffro Johnson
1    Laura J. Mixon
      Cedar Sanderson
2    No Award

Best Fan Artist

3    Ninni Aalto
4    Brad Foster
5    Elizabeth Leggett
1    Spring Schoenhuth
2    Steve Stiles
      No Award

The John W. Campbell Award (not a Hugo)

1    Wesley Chu
      Jason Cordova
2    Kary English
      Rolf Nelson
      Eric S. Raymond
3    No Award

hugos, awards

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