Countdown to "White Rabbit Society Part One"

Jul 06, 2016 22:32

New book is coming out on the 15th! Very excited about this one. I always am, but this book has more history behind it than anything else I've written. It's also the first book I've released since hitting the giant mad-scientist "It Lives!" switch and activating Patreon, which I'm hoping is going to play a big role in my writing career going forward.

Accordingly, during my "countdown to White Rabbit Society" blog series over the next few days, I'm going to be switching off between making posts here and making posts for my backers on Patreon. If you'd like in on the party, Patreon. A buck a month to get all my e-books as they come out (two bucks for paperbacks), and anybody who signs up before the 15th gets a copy of WRS to kick things off. It's a good deal.

A few facts about White Rabbit Society to get the ball moving.

*As a few clever folks have figured out from the cover (which is fantastic and by Wesley Wong, an amazing artist you should all go check out), White Rabbit Society is a psychotically long continuation of the short story "Shadow", which appears in the Beasts collection. At one point "Shadow" was actually the first chapter of the novel. Things are a little more complicated now but that's still basically the idea.

*This is "White Rabbit Society Part One", which is an e-book. The "White Rabbit Society Part Two" e-book will be coming out in a few months, simultaneously with the White Rabbit Society paperback. One and two together will tell a dandy and fairly epic complete story. My first impulse is to leave the universe alone at that point, but if people want more there are a couple of directions in which I could keep going.

*You might have notice I've managed to go on for a while now without actually talking about what the story's about. I'll be getting to that soon. For right now, here's the cover blurb:

"Andrew is fifteen years old. He's been sent to stay with his grandmother for the summer while his parents finish their divorce, but the summer's up and he's still stuck up in Wisconsin. And his best and only friend is a monster.

Shadow lives under a gazebo in the park. She has a body made of spare parts, she seems to be omnipotent, and she likes to play chess. Andrew doesn't tell anybody about Shadow. Nobody listens to him anyway.

Andrew's Uncle Paul comes to town. Andrew didn't know he had an Uncle Paul. Paul knows about Shadow. Paul knows lots of things. Some of them are things he shouldn't know; some of them are things no one should know. And he's interested in teaching.

Unfortunately, Paul isn't stopping by just to say hello. He's being pursued, by people interested in his secrets. People interested in Shadow. And soon, people interested in Andrew."

And that's it for now. I'll be talking more about the story tomorrow on Patreon, and circle back around here in a couple of days. Hope your fourth was awesome. See you all soon.

white rabbit society

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