More plan

Jul 04, 2014 16:18

Right on time, sort of. It's always someday's tomorrow, right? Alternately, maybe I should just put this series on a permanent "regularly but when I get to it until it's finished until I revisit it" basis. Life happens, good stuff this time. I took a really fun but seriously exhausting day trip to the House on the Rock with my dad yesterday (calliopes and angels haunt my dreams), and the day before that I suddenly but happily had my very first tutoring client, which was excellent. And today I slept and then wrote, which was also excellent.


Reading series! It's good timing for this, because I'm going to be doing a new one this Sunday afternoon, the Brass Monkey Brunch. It's at the Red Line Tap all the way up at 7006 N. Glenwood and starts at 2 o'clock. As part of my plan to find loving homes for all my impishly charming copies of "Scarce Resources" I'll be reading something from that collection. I'm taking requests and "Super Jesus" is in the lead, so let me know if you have an opinion.

There's also my very own reading series, the mighty Bad Grammar Theater, which next convenes on July 18th at Powells Books at 1208 S. Halsted (6-9 o'clock, show up and leave whenever). Bad Grammar, which presents Chicago's best in Horror, Fantasy, Pulp Fiction, Science Fiction, and the Unexpected. You must come to BGT. You are compelled. By what means are you compelled, might you ask? Behold:

Our new flier image. Meet Steve, Odin, Rex, Elizabeth, and Harriet. (I may actually have to organize some kind of election to choose their names.) Many, many thanks to the artist Wesley Wong ( for making this totally awesome thing for us.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg. I'm humbled and gratified by the community that has crystallized around BGT. I've been leaving things on autopilot for a little bit, and it's time to kick things up a notch. Readers are taking care of themselves lately- we've had a lot of cool new people reading stories lately and I'm psyched about it (although we can always use more), so I'm going to be focusing on audience for the near future. In addition to more widespread fliering and press-releasing, and let me know if you'd like to help with that, I've got some other thoughts.

*INTERN: Our good friends at Gumbo Fiction Salon have had a lot of luck with having a student worker, and the awesome Mrs. Tina Jens has suggested to me that I try and recruit somebody. I didn't follow up at the time, but I'm coming around to the idea. Columbia would be the easy school to hit up, but there's a case to be made that BGT should take advantage of it's status as The Only Reading Series South Of Roosevelt Road and see if I can't poke around University of Chicago or Chicago State or even UIC, to which we are actually next door. I'll be pursuing this. Any body has any leads, let me know.

*CONVENTION PRESENCE: I talked about this not all that long ago so I won't go over it all again, but the short version is I'm starting to realize both how unavoidably important Cons are and how bad I am at them when I just go and try to hang out. I would rather launch an invasion. Getting people out to the far-flung Cons like Readercon or World Horror might be too much to hope for, but there are plenty of local conventions we could try to snag some performing space at, and BG's genre diversity gives us some options.

*PODCAST: I stopped doing this. Not for long. New friends mean new podcast victims.

*PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION: Party on, Wayne. This is not as crazy as it sounds, I promise, but I'll be keeping details to myself as I pursue this. Might happen, might not. Way too cool not to take a swing at.

There are also all the other reading series out there in our fair city that I could conceivably go perform at. Chicago is the Live Lit Capital of the Damn World, and a quick trip to Chicago Literati verifies that there's crap going on out there that I've never even heard of. The majority of the things going on are storytelling events, but not all. And I'm starting to wonder if the prevalence of storytelling events isn't the universe trying to tell me something. I don't usually think of it as my thing, but hey, the universe...

Next installment: The Local Strategy.

the plan

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