Ok, so there's this facebook meme, and I have a different take, and I'm putting it here because it's a good place:
Here's the meme:
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12360335_10156393085520078_1393872322824876163_n.png?oh=a50a686373fc71a0527cf29f66ab1f1d&oe=571CCAA6 And a slightly different take (mine):
The difference between philosophy and bulls**t is whether a beer is in hand while looking for a cat. Which is which is a different question.
Metaphysics is being in a dark room saying 'Here, kitty, kitty' to a cat that may or may not be there.
Religion is claiming there's a cat in a dark room, and saying 'if we believe, the cat will appear.'
Science being outside on a moonless night looking for a black cat that may, or may not be there and if it is, may or may not be alive, and if it is, may or may not be moving, with a fucking dim flashlight.