Just an entry

Jun 16, 2013 23:35

Small personal hilarity; while looking at interesting maps of the internet, I see one trying to map relationships between internet services, such as LJ. And right next to the country of LJ is the Gulf of Angst. L O L.

On a more typical note, while writing about my issues is helpful for me, it's probably just damn boring for you, my dear readers. But, bless it, one of my issues is I have created a damn boring life for me. So, if you read me, you get to share my boring-ness.

So there. I'll work on it.

However, being Father's Day, I drank the last bottle of my father's Chianti. He died about a year ago, and had quite a little stash of nice Chianti's. So. I toasted him, with his wine. Dad, you're likely at peace, and I hope not resting.

ciao, all


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