I've heard good things about the work of Tony Harris over the years. But I'm wondering if I should swear his comic books off from now on (and encourage my fellow nerd girls to do the same) after this dude recently outed himself as a massive, sexist piece of shit.
I'm a little late to this outrage party. But I wanna put in my 2 cents anyway (since I happen to be one of those "COSPLAY-Chiks" he despises so much)...
You really think that me and my fellow cosplay girls actually RELISH the idea of sleazy assholes like you thinking of us as they jerk off? You think that we spend MONTHS sewing our costumes and crafting our props for the SOLE PURPOSE of getting attention from fanboys that we have no love or respect for? You REALLY think we have nothing better to do than troll cons looking for lonely, emotionally/sexually repressed man-children to cock tease? And you REALLY think that female cosplayers (and ONLY FEMALE cosplayers) should have to pass some bullshit litmus test to make sure that they're not only knowledgeable enough about the character they're cosplaying; but also hot enough to pass as Scarlett Johansen's twin? And that our "boobies" (seriously, your grammar and vocabulary makes me wonder if you dropped out of school after second grade) should only be on display if they're as impossibly perky as Powergirl's?
Again, FUCK! YOU! When I dress up, I'm doing for ME because I like it (or for my friends because they needed someone to fill out their Justice League photo shoot). I'm not doing it to fulfill some wicked plot to lure in lonely men like a mythical siren and then break their trusting little hearts for LOLs.
And while we're on the subject of physical attractiveness, you have no right to insult the physical appearance of female cosplayers until you shave off that nasty Grizzly Adams beard, fix those dark circles under your eyes, and lose a couple pounds. And maybe get some botox while you're at it.
**deep breath**
Now that I got that rant off my chest....
I'm glad I never got into Harris' work before this happened. But I can't help wondering if this alone should be enough for me to personally swear off every book he's ever touched. Usually, it's easy for me to separate an artist from their work and judge both things independently (sadly, that is a necessary skill for a Republican who enjoys movies and art). And before this, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski were the only artists on my 'Eternal Boycott List' (for obvious reasons). And now I'm considering adding this guy to it. And I'm not sure if I'm being staunchly moral or just petty.
I wanna end on a positive note. So here's a hilarious dramatic reading of Harris' rant by a nerdy girl with awesome hair.
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