I wanted to see this on the big screen before it was gone, so I went out to do so this morning. It's been so long since I sat down and watched it that I had forgotten how freakin' AMAZING this movie really is! The voices, the pacing, the visuals, the songs....everything goes together perfectly. I'm somewhat immune to crying at the "death scene" since I, like every other little girl, saw this movie hundreds of times as a kid. But the Howard Ashman dedication still gets to me. Poor guy.
As for the 3D...
I was worried that I'd have a hard time watching it in 3D because I heard some people had bad reactions to it (like headaches, not being able to watch with glasses, etc). It was hard for me to clearly see the sides of the movie screen; but other than that, it worked OK for me. However, some scenes looked better than others. And I think it's simply because it's hard to convert a 20+ year old cel-animated movie into modern 3D. The only scenes in the movie that looked really cool in 3D were the opening musical number, some of the scenes in the woods, and all the scenes that had stuff like snow, bubbles, or other little things floating around.
However, the CGI stuff looked REALLY cool in 3D. I still had the problem with seeing the sides of the screen; but it wasn't so bad that it took me out of it. The Tangled short was freaking adorable (even if it was weird to hear the queen speak). The Brave trailer was great (I cannot wait to see that movie!!). And the Lorax movie looks like absolute crap. And now that I know that theatrical 3D wont break my eyes, I'll probably see the Nemo re-release when it comes out in theatres soon.