After witnessing the unfathomable, childhood-destroying train wreck that was Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, I have decided that there's no way in hell I'm tuning in for the upcoming second season. I gave the show too much of my time already in the hopes that it would redeem itself in the end and it failed.
However, I will forgive it and take back ALL my criticisms if the second season opens like this:
In case any of you are too young to get the reference; the title, content, and a lot of the dialogue in this comic are a reference to the 80s soap opera Dallas. Specifically, the infamous season premiere that used the "it was all a dream" trick to ret-con the events of the entire previous season and bring two popular characters back from the dead. It was a lame thing to do at the time; but it's pretty funny in retrospect. Check it out here:
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Basically, I'm saying that Mystery Incorporated can only be saved by Patrick Duffy in a shower at this point. That's the ONLY thing that will convince me to watch the second season!