Oct 08, 2011 00:01
There is a possibility that you have heard the story of the random stranger showing up at my house at 12:30 in the morning a few nights ago. I am sure she was a perfectly lovely woman, but I am not a fan of surprise visitors much less strangers in the middle of the night.
When I have relayed this story to people they have all said that they would have greeted her with a weapon of some sort. The weapons have ranged from mace to guns. We all like to think that given the situation we could defend ourselves and take the mortal shot if necessary. I have always been concerned about this thinking though. Could you really take the shot if you had to? You have to really be willing to accept that if you are going to take the shot you have to do it to kill them. I don't know that I could. I like to think I could but I have never really been sure.
This spring, while mowing the yard, I came across a snake in my rock bed. Of course it shot out of there and went in to the shrubbery. I saw this snake a few times and noticed evidence of him often when watering flowers. I often joked that I needed to just move out. I hate snakes. Yes... even little garden snakes. But seriously... this one was at least 18 inches long. It might as well be a freakin' dragon. One day I was sitting on the deck and noticed my neighbor stalking around his back yard with a golf club. He was looking for snakes. I assumed he was successful since I never saw my snake again.
Until today... Today I came home and the dog and I went out to get the mail. As I was walking to the box I noticed my snake sitting there in the yard as though it is where he belongs. I went in to the garage and got a garden shovel. Came out and gave it to the snake. Honestly... the experience is something that has shocked me to the very core. I would NEVER have considered actually seeing the snakes face as I hit it with the shovel. It was clearly showing pain. To be fair... I did hit it hard enough to split it in half. I can't get the image out of my head though. Since I did it, I have found myself shuddering several times seeing the snakes face. Would I do it again? I don't know... I have a feeling I would but I do know it is very likely that I will be more hesitant.
So... The question is... Could I kill a human if the need were to arise? I really don't know. I do know that if I did... I would NEVER get passed it. But... I would still rather be alive after any altercation and, for that matter, I would rather not have an altercation where I would have to make the decision.
"31 days",