Back to community college.
Everything is the same, only my classes are not as enjoyable, and I don't really see people I know everywhere.
They all went to, well you know, real college.
I'm getting too old for this. I'll soon become just like Matt at this rate.
I don't really think I'll make any new friends or fond acquaintances this semester. I eat alone at the lunch tables.
I have seen Angel and Zach and boy Sam though.
Tomorrow I'm going to see about joining Charlie in one of his night classes with the Kenyan man.
Charlie and I relocated a tree! It was pretty hard work, and we accidentally lost a few roots and unearthed a few a my favorite daffodils. Also got covered in mud and bug bites. But now Simon the evergreen is standing tall and proud in my yard, no longer stuck in rock and cement.
After that I had to carve some crayons for class (harder than it sounds) and I expected him to just go home, but he didn't. Instead he picked up one of my old Marvel: Year-in-Review magazines, put some music on, and found a place on the floor next to me. Company for homework.
The boyfriend visited this weekend. I don't even know what to say about that.
The leaked Of Montreal cd is great. I agree with you, Lauren, even better I think.
I wonder what I'll be without you.