(no subject)

Jan 05, 2008 15:04

I had such a nice time hanging out with Lorraine and Chris and Elisa last Sunday. We ate some of their leftovers and watched some television and talked about everything.

Joe came here for New Years so I would not be alone.
It was not so very exciting, but it was nice.
It was his first time visiting my half of the world.
We went to Sara and Greg's house to play Rock Band with them and their boring married friends
midnight came and went and so did their married friends
joe brought out some champagne and there was some talking and introductions
(i got my new years kiss from the same stranger i wanted to kiss me last new years - but now i am dating him )

He stayed for another day and we played Age of Mythology. I beat him, but it was an embarrasing victory. I demand a rematch.
I don't know anything to do in Peoria. I hope I am not too boring.

i got a new cellphone
my old one broke.
it's the first cellphone that i actually went out to get - my old one was just some old thing my dad didn't want anymore
i can actually check my voicemails now. that is exciting
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