The Unprocessed Child by Valerie Fitzenreiter

Jun 03, 2008 04:00

The Unprocessed Child: Living Without School by Valerie Fitzenreiter

My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was a very interesting book! I was unfamiliar with the "un-schooling" movement before now and this book has made me want to learn more.

The book is basically the story of how Valerie Fitzenreiter raised her daughter Laurie with no formal school, not even homeschooling as we know it.

She makes a lot of good points about the importance of respecting the child and the development of self-regulation, but towards the end her story loses some momentum as her conclusions become overly-simplistic. However, it was a quick read and I think a good way to be introduced to the subject of un-schooling. I definitely be reading more on the subject.

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books 2008, books

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