Three (or four) Songs Meme - From PJ & PokeyStar

Jun 04, 2010 18:13

While scrolling thru the F*List I found this little ditty. Very easy and lots of fun!

Three songs that make me A) shriek, B) run screaming from the room, or C) smash radios

A) Every time I hear this song, I absolutely can't help screeching like I'm little girl then getting up and shaking my booty.

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B) Back in 1994 when this song was incredibly popular, the radio stations killed it for me. And to this day I still can't frickin stand it.

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C) Lastly, there are two songs especially that fit "smash radios" for me. Ugh, depressing music can really kill me. Nothing like a song about killing your significant other in a car crash, or getting an abortion to make your day really swell. Assholes.

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