Dec 28, 2005 11:34
5 Weird Habits Game
***Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.***
1. When I am really concentrating on something I stick out my tongue involuntarily. This is especially bad for martial arts training when I am trying to learn to take falls.
2. When I am 'still' I shake one of my feet. Right now, at my desk, my right leg is crossed over my lef and my right foot is bobbing up and down. I do this before I go to bed also. This is also involuntary. Apparently I did it in the womb and made my mother's abdomen very sore.
3. I twirl my hair. It's really horrible though. I'll pull strands out of my ponytail to start twirling. Thus it's very hard for me to keep a neat updo. My hands basically always have to be busy. Even if they're just picking apart my own nails and hair. (This is why I have been able to knit 12 scarves and 1 hat since October.) This hair-twirling is also bad because apparently men jump to the conclusion that I am flirting with them when really I'm probably just bored or nervous.
4. I love my kitties. I hug them all the time and sometimes I make up songs for them. They just come out of my mouth and sometimes Jeremy hears them and will say sarcastic things like, "Oh, are you singing that hit song 'Happy Jake White Belly'?"
5. I pace when I'm on the phone for long periods of time or when waiting for an elevator.