Nov 09, 2005 13:10
Two Names You Go By
1. Rae
2. Dith
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Apache
2. Scottish
Two Things That Scare You
1. Confronting a loved one
2. A loved one being injured
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. exercise
2. sleep
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. black boots
2. four black hairbands on my left wrist
Two Truths
1. I will always fidget.
2. The book will be better than the movie.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You (in general)
1. red hair
2. a striking eye color
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. knitting!
2. running
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. success (arts)
2. a house
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. New Mexico
2. Australia (I am a child of the warmer climes.)
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. support myself acting
2. create my OWN home
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1. I luv the kitty cats.
2. I luv the horseys.
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. Sometimes I don't pick up the phone when people call because I just don't feel like going into the other room.
2. I'm afraid of having corrective surgery on my foot (even though I know I'm going to need it) because I don't want to stop running and doing martial arts.
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. taking a nap
2. going to the gym (wow, that kind of goes along with my daily essentials!)
Two Stores You Shop At
1. Walgreens
2. Express
Two people I would like to see take this quiz
1. wateracre
2. courtoonie
Two people I haven't talked to in a while
1. my sister
2. English Julie